When it comes to being innovative, collaborative and passionate as the boss...
It Is An Imperative
It is essential to recognize that in an ever-changing business environment, it can be difficult to track your performance as a leader. That is why we draw on the excellence that Being & Living Enterprises developed in their checkup and feedback model to give a 360 degree view on your leadership vitality.
Leadership Health
The Leadership Vitality Checkup™ is designed to meet the emerging leadership needs of businesses and organizations in order to help facilitate new ways to respond to our fast-moving and often unpredictable world.
Unlock Your Brand
Simultaneously enhance your self-understanding while increasing your self-awareness of how others perceive you. The Leadership Vitality Checkup is bold in its use of language designed to educate and inspire fresh thinking.
Strike A Workable Balance
The kind of thinking executives need to make the transition from just another organization to a noticeably accepting and inclusive one. Discover where you stand, both from your own perspective and in the eyes of your team, on qualities that bold leaders need to possess in order to see differences as assets that contribute to their stakeholders.
Cover Your Bases/Be A Contribution
Meet your emerging leadership needs by facilitating new ways to respond in the unpredictable world of business and organizational growth.
Simultaneously enhance your self-knowing while increasing your self-actualization to align with the perception of others.
“We all have extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released” -Jean Houston
“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart” -Native American Proverb
“Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them” -Albert Einstien
"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." -Tony Robbins
“There is no darkness but ignorance” -Shakespeare
“Knowledge is like a garden; if not cultivated, it can’t be harvested” African Proverb
Outside-of-the-box forward thinking. Pushing conventional boundaries while looking for new possibilities.
“Every dream begins with a dreamer” – Harriet Tubman
Bringing others along and letting the people closest to the work make decisions. Bringing out the best in others, promoting belonging and inclusion.
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” -Ghandi
“Relationship is all there is.” -Meg Wheatly
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